Fairy Doors Vanish

Last year I went to my favorite gardens and there was a fairy section. I saw that people were adding to that section and I put a few of my fairy doors there. It was fun to see them over the summer. It seemed as if people enjoyed them too. Some people would leave little trinkets or flower petals near them. One of them kept getting moved around and it was funny to find where it went in the little fairy section.

At the end of the summer, I almost took the doors back so I could replace them again the next summer. I didn’t end up taking them because I thought that the same people that cared for that part of the garden just brought the same stuff back every year.

Welp, I was wrong. I was hoping to see it come back but I’m going to take it as a compliment that someone wanted them. I have no idea if they just went missing before everything was gathered, or if it just got tucked away…or if it ended up in someone’s yard, lol. I’m not mad just sad they aren’t back there. I have donated a lot of items this year and I need to be a little conservative because I am trying to make a living off of what I make. I only have so many doors to sell at the moment but I do plan on replacing the doors next year. I’ll just make sure to take them before the next winter 😊


Summer Shows


Set backs happen