Circumstances change

Two weeks ago I had the strangest day. I got to open my kiln the first thing in the morning, and I had such great results. I was over the moon. I then had more good news and thought this is the best day ever! Then I clocked into work and not such great news. I was informed my position and my co workers in my department we all are getting laid off. The company was going to do things differently. Of course, it’s natural to be upset by the news. We still are working our shifts, but our days are numbered. We have an end date, but they said it could be sooner than later, they don’t really know. So today I am at work, a terribly slow day writing about getting laid off and wondering what’s next?

My job before this I was at for just shy of 10 years. My body couldn’t physically do the job anymore. It was tough to leave. I jumped right into my current job. I have worked since I was 16 and babysitting etc before that. It’s like I never slowed down and took some time for myself. Just diving into the next job and figuring it out. Maybe this is just the universe telling me this isn’t what I want to do. And to that I say, duh!

The first couple of days I was just sick to my stomach. Doing the soul sucking job searching. Updating resumes and trying not to freak out. I have just decided that I can’t just jump into the next job that hires me because most of them I am overqualified for and the hourly wages are so much lower than what I’m currently making. I am going to do my best to keep looking and looking but I genuinely hate it. I do plan on doing some self-care things for starters because I’ve heard that’s important! Maybe watch a movie or a few but clay has a funny way of bring out the best in oneself. I have so many projects I would love to work on, and it will be a great de- stressor in between looking for work. So, wish me luck! I might do some live streams just for funsies. Probably me just being weird and trying to get something to work, LOL.


Shop closing soon


Some reasons why I love pottery